Where to Seek Airbnb Tax Preparation Guidance

Earning some extra cash by renting out your property on Airbnb is an easy way for you to make money. There isn’t much that you have to do. There will be some guidelines by Airbnb that will help you with your proceedings, and you will be all set to rent out that spare room orContinue reading “Where to Seek Airbnb Tax Preparation Guidance”

Major changes to the 2020 IRS Form 1040 that every accountant for freelance workers must know

Every tax year brings along some changes that accountant consultants for freelancers must be aware of.  The better understanding that you have of these changes; the easier it will be for you to file income taxes.  A draft of the 2020 Federal Form 1040 was released by the IRS recently to reflect all of the changes introducedContinue reading “Major changes to the 2020 IRS Form 1040 that every accountant for freelance workers must know”

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