The Essential Guide to Setting up a Paperless Office

Going paperless has a lot of benefits! It is advantageous for you to put it on your schedule to re-arrange your office. In this guided blog, we will briefly discuss the benefits of having a paperless office. PS: Contact Agro Accounting CPA and get the best tax preparation guide for artists today!

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Saves Money & Time

Most accounting companies use around 10,000 sheets of paper, which is such a WASTE! Let’s not even bring up staples, ink, toner, fax machines, etc. into the picture. When you slide into a paperless office, all these things disappear. Also, if there is no paper to deal with, you will not need any office cabinets, drawers, or storage boxes either. Furthermore, your workers will spend less time on arduous tasks, such as printing, mailing, faxing, etc., making your employees focus on necessary tasks and get things done quickly.

Enhances Workflow

When you step into a paperless office, the coordination between your team and employees becomes easier. You can share documents, files, and spreadsheets, and work on them together at the same time. You can also access client data in your commercial office or home, on your phone, laptop, or computer.

Quick Bullet Points for Setting up a Paperless Office

– Invest in Software

– Scan Necessary Documents

– Get Rid of Unnecessary Documents

– Build a Digital Storage System

– Decrease Small Paper Work

Quick Tips for Running a Paperless Office Smoothly

– Create Main Folders

– Set up a Hierarchy of Files

– Adhere to One Naming Convention

– Make Sure All Your Employees are on the Same Page

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Taking your business to a paperless level will make your life easier. Just contact us to get yourself familiar with the process! PS: Our experienced accounting experts will provide you with a top-class tax preparation guide for entrepreneurs and freelancers, which will help you grow your small business. Please register with us for a personalized paperless office demo 🙂

Published by Agro Accounting CPA

We do Accounting for Artists, Freelancers and Creative Companies. Whether you're in NYC, LA - or anywhere in between, given our safe and easy online platform - check out our affordable prices and free accounting + tax advice.

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